- Pricing Strategy. It seems I learned most things before mid term. After that, we focused more on how to get final project and presentation done. It's good to work in an efficient team so that we finished the project two weeks before semester ends, which was earlier than most other teams.
- Industy Analysis. Rumor from last year students about this class was this is the best course Carlson has. Even though the test would be considered as too picky, I think it still has some value points. Basically, there are two questions need to ask when making corporate strategy. 1. Does it add value? 2. Do we have to own it to appropriate that value? By analyzing different cases, answer to those questions is "it depends." Depends on the resources a company has, and the goal of a company. Advice for group project: choose M&A issue!
- Quality Management and Six Sigma. It is an introduction course for six sigma. Going through almost every concept about quality management. At least, giving some concepts about what to do at different stages. And, it seems that the critical factor affecting final six sigma result is culture.
- Golf. Keep working on it.
- Ethic. It is a required class!
What I leaned in this semester
I registered around 16 credits this semester, which means I need only 9 more to graduate. Here are the classes I had this semester.
Farewell Crab party for Mr. Onal
We had a farewell party for Mr. Onal, who is going to graduate this semeter. So we introduce him the crab hotpot, which was inspired by Mr. Fukada.
King Crab from Lunds, $9.99/lb, and we had 2 lb.
左右各一 外加一隻大箝
從來沒吃過螃蟹的穆韓默德歐納先生 據他說他只吃過蝦子跟魚 而且很不喜歡鯰魚(catfish?)
回教徒吃牛肉 可是一定要吃經過特殊處理過的肉 所以他自帶肉品 並且煮土耳其餐給大家分享
沒什麼重點的照片 "土耳其人切肉中" 他是捲起袖子切肉 所以黑色部份是.....
第一次吃螃蟹就是King Crab阿
tea time...
今天氣溫feels like -19C 加上沒租到車去採買 所以只好坐著公車頂著寒風前進(當然是指下了公車後啦)
首先是為了趕上公車 在大街上跑了三分鐘 結果到了超市之後可能因為冷空氣吸太多太乾 一直咳不停
買完之後 在公車站牌等了十幾分鐘 雖然上半身還好 但是腿被吹到小麻
下車吃後 走過10 ave 橫跨密西西比河的橋 真的走到腿快沒知覺 thinsulate的手套也撐不住 果然還是要雙層的才行
冷天唯一的好處就是 海鮮不怕壞啊
King Crab from Lunds, $9.99/lb, and we had 2 lb.
左右各一 外加一隻大箝
從來沒吃過螃蟹的穆韓默德歐納先生 據他說他只吃過蝦子跟魚 而且很不喜歡鯰魚(catfish?)
回教徒吃牛肉 可是一定要吃經過特殊處理過的肉 所以他自帶肉品 並且煮土耳其餐給大家分享
沒什麼重點的照片 "土耳其人切肉中" 他是捲起袖子切肉 所以黑色部份是.....
第一次吃螃蟹就是King Crab阿
tea time...
今天氣溫feels like -19C 加上沒租到車去採買 所以只好坐著公車頂著寒風前進(當然是指下了公車後啦)
首先是為了趕上公車 在大街上跑了三分鐘 結果到了超市之後可能因為冷空氣吸太多太乾 一直咳不停
買完之後 在公車站牌等了十幾分鐘 雖然上半身還好 但是腿被吹到小麻
下車吃後 走過10 ave 橫跨密西西比河的橋 真的走到腿快沒知覺 thinsulate的手套也撐不住 果然還是要雙層的才行
冷天唯一的好處就是 海鮮不怕壞啊
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