
Wausau, Milwaukee, Green Bay, Chicago (05/24 - 05/28)

5/24 we started our road trip to WI and IL. We left MN around 9:30AM. The first stop was Wausau, which is the largest place for American Ginseng.(花旗蔘) We met the owner and he arranged a field trip for us. We saw the ginseng farm amd also bought some fresh ginsengs.
Around 3 pm, we headed to Green Bay and had dinner in the old depot, which now is named of Titletown restaurant. It is famous for its own brewed root beer and, of course, beer.

第一天的行程是從Minneapolis(MN)出發,沿I-94向東轉29號公路至Wausau(WI),參觀許氏人蔘農場後,再繼續沿著29號公路一路向東到Green Bay(WI)。Wausau並不是個旅遊景點,不過當地的土壤十分適合人蔘生長,據說花旗蔘最盛時期,Wausau當地有1600戶蔘農,不過也因為人參栽種不易,加上目前亞洲開始有花旗蔘農場在競爭,因此目前只剩下300戶左右。


選購新鮮人蔘 (0.5磅/$18)

5/25. We went to a wild life sanctuary at Green Bay, and also saw big boats at Lake Michigan. Around noon, we headed to Chicago. We stopped by Milwaukee and took Miller beer tour. Each one could have three free samples. Since I had to drive, I only took one. By going to directly to hotel, we went to Bahai Temple first. It said it is above all religions and its temple is really amazing. At that night, we had deep dish pizza at Gino's East.

第二天,我們先到Green Bay的野生動物保護區,天氣很好,一解前一天滂沱大雨哪也不能去的遺憾。看到灰狼和coyote,很多種鳥類和老鷹,還有一大群Canada Geese的親子組合。

Wildlife Sanctuary at Green Bay

Green Bay Harbor

中午從Green Bay沿43號公路向南開到Milwaukee,參觀Miller啤酒廠,Tour完全是免費的,結束後還提供每人一杯Miller Light和任選其他兩種啤酒的試喝 (Kambric因為要開車 認份地在任選兩種啤酒階段直接選了可樂....)


Miller最早的標誌 : Girl on the Moon

Free Beer Time

結束Miller啤酒之旅後,繼續沿著I-94向南開往芝加哥。我們先去了芝加哥北郊的Baha'i Temple,中文好像是翻成大同教,建築很特別,全世界一共有七座,芝加哥的應該是北美唯一的一座吧。

5/26. Field museum was the first stop after we woke up. We spent around 4 hours and then needed to go back to hotel because Yvonne's parents had other appointments. Around 5 pm, we went to downtown again to have dinner with a NW law school graduate.

芝加哥第一天行程,參觀了Field Museum,(票價$12,學生票$7),裡面有目前世界上保存最完整的暴龍化石--Sue,博物館真的真的很大,花了四個小時,我們只看了埃及館和地球演化史,有時間的話應該可以在裡面待很久...


5/27. Morton Arboretum in the morning and Millenium Park in the afternoon. Hot Dog in Portillo's as our dinner.

5/28. Driving back to MN directly. Started at 9:30 am and arrived at MN around 4pm.

More photo are in http://picasaweb.google.com.tw/kambric/WIChicago2007_05_2428


Glacier National Park Trip 5/15~5/20

Right after graduation ceremony, we went to Montana Glacier National Part for exciting "Camping", which is not a typical luxury travel plan.

We flew to FCA airport on 5/15, and then drove around one hour to west entrance of Glacier NP. The first night we camped at Apagar, which was the only available full service campsite of the Park. Since going-to-the-sun road was not fully open, from the west side, we could get to Avalanche only. The first afternoon, we went to Trail of Cedars, which is the only one forest hasn't caught fire for 500 years.

The next morning, 5/16. We made a not smart decision to take Huckleberry trail, which is a 6 miles trial to a lookout tower and marked as difficult level. It was full of bugs and only two of us walked on the trail. We did not make it because did not feel well to climb high in the first day. Afterward, we went to Fish creek picnic area to finalize the day.

On 5/17, we headed to east side of the park by taking the road at the south of the Park. Running eagle falls is in Two Medicine. Later, we went to the farthest point from the east, which was before Logan Pass. In the afternoon, we took our first shower in KOA for $5 per person. That night, we camped at St Mary primitive campsite.

5/18, we went to Many Glacier, which the ranger told us "it's the Park". We did see many animals there on the loop trail and magnificent glaciers. Afterward, we went all the way back to west side in Apagar.

5/19, we took the Avalanche Lake trail, which is an easy 2.3 miles trail. In the afternoon, we spent time in west glacier town and did some shopping and eating.

5/20, our flight was around noon, so we did not have much time to play. Just packing our stuff, eating at burger king, and heading back to MN.

Photo are in http://picasaweb.google.com.tw/kambric/GlacierNationalPark2007_05_1520


MBA Graduation

兩年的課程在今天告一段落 七點到St Paul把家長接到學校
今年的典禮研究生和大學部分開 所以少了許多發呆的時間

全部的流程也很簡單 集合之後 院長跟貴賓致詞 然後就是依照program一個個唱名上台領取替代的畢業證書 真正的畢業證書會在三四個月之後寄去家裡 然後典禮就結束了



照姓氏字母順序入場 舞台的設計如下 我們full time program安排在比較前面的位置

中間一個大大的校徽 兩旁是所有畢業生所屬國家的國旗掛在牆上


Guest Speaker, Steve Forbes. "It is not important who you know, but whom you know." as the closing comment.

The moment I received certificate from the Dean. This photo was taken by a photographer who standed by the Dean.

We have to pay extra to buy this photo, and I made a plaque for this.

出禮堂合影 (鏡頭兩側有形變 加大臉寬....)

本屆MBA畢業生捐贈總額 會當成獎學金發給下下一屆一位美國學生跟一位國際學生


Most pictures are here:


One day before Graduation

訂了香港粥飯麵的外燴 BRAVO的蛋糕 順便慶祝母親節



兩年的MBA 教授的跟我們哈拉的時候說you should be proud of you really master something now....儘管臉上兩三條線出現

要很驕傲的說 Yes, I am a Carlson MBA now.

(Check might need to send few years later to school....ha.)


2007 Graduation Gala

This Saturday is our Graduation Gala. Not every domestic student know what Gala stands for, but it's a party for graduates for sure. We saw classmates and their families show up, enjoy the moment with us. Two years MBA program, even though it's still not clear for me where to go, I feel I can accomplish more than before. It's not about job title, company name, compensation and benefits, and country. It's about confidence and passion. Winning at the beginning is sweet, but laughing at the final means more. Definition of win is different for everyone. Good luck and get what you need.

Link to Gala photo

Graduation ceremony is on Monday.

Class gift