
Spring Break#2 Madison to Champaign

今天的目標是前進伊利諾香檳 早上去拜訪了一間植物園 裡面有個很神奇的亭子 是泰國皇室成員捐贈 歷時數年完成 應該都是鋪純金金箔在外面 下面的照片可以看到它 雖然說現在的植物並不茂盛 但是可以想見在春夏的時候 這裡一定是個很美的地方

吃完中餐已經是下午三點 開上12E 接上39S 再轉74 應該是要再開四個小時左右 這一路的風景比起昨天的來說又是更廣大的平原 下午天空烏雲密佈 閃電不斷 還好沒碰到大雨
中間有一個小時是由學習駕駛接手 真是驚險萬分啊 不過有學習才有進步 好在車真的不多 也沒遇上什麼大狀況 手忙腳亂最後總還能化險為夷

晚上七點半 終於開到了朋友的家 也剛好下起了大雨 星期天準備偷跑到聖路易去!

Today our final destination is Champange, IL. In the morning, we went to a botanical garden, Olbrich. Except the plants and flowers, there is one special thing there that is a Pavillon donated by Thai royals. After lunch around 3 pm, we started heading to IL.

It was an easy drive for me, but not for someone. However, it was a good chance to do a little practice. We saw just plain on our way to IL. It was also new to me to drive on highway at night in US. At around 7:30pm, we finally arrived our friends house in Savoy.

We chatted a lot since haven't met for a long time. Then we needed to rest for tomorrow's trip.

Olbrich at Madison

In the garden.




At rest area on 74

練習課程中 (相當恐怖啊!)
