
Wii hunting project

3/4 Sunday morning
5:30 am Wake up.
6:00 am Leave 7 corners.
6:14 am Arrive at Target Store in NE MPLS
6:55 am Get out the car, and stand in line in front of the store.
7:03 am Get ticket for Wii, no 2, 3, and 4.
7:10 am Breakfast at Burger King nearby.
7:40 am Leave Burger King and go back to Target.
7:55 am Wait outside Taget, and there are around 10 people.
8:10 am Wii at hand and mission completed.

One mom insisted standing outside Target to be the first to get the ticket.

Still there after sunrise...

We got no2, 3, and 4. And then went to eat breakfast.

Red Target plastic bag...

Finally, we got wii, and another wii controller set.

Two layers package

Compared with Xbox, it's really small, and Wii can play Gamecube's games.

Wii Play game, the reason to buy it is for Wii remote controller.

1 則留言:

evilsmile 提到...

XD, welcome to Wii world ^^