
My second week in AXXX

Per my funniest classmate's request, I will try to write my blog occationally in English. My schedule in the second week was still full of class, and this week I got one day off because one Typhoon suddenly approached. As an employee, this kind of leave is the gift from the god. That was the only time happened in the past two years, and it happened to me in my second week at work.
What I have done in the past two weeks is to attend class and study company profile and product information. We are now the biggest motherboard (mainboard) manufacturer in the world. (Mik, motherboard is the largest board in your pc, carrying CPU, RAM, and other cards. You need to open your PC to see it.) Also, VGA card(graphic card) is no.1 too. CD-ROM may be no.3. So far, I heard that I will be expatriated to East Europe and responsible for component products. Notebook will be handled by another guy if we could find one.
My primary responsibility is to deal with distributors and dealers, asking them to promote our product. So next time if you have chance visiting BestBuy or Circuit City, please find ASUS product and give me some feedback. I know price would be one issue, but that's what I cannot do anything to change it.

Yvonne's job is now dealing with NPL issue of a local company. What I know is that she sits in a meeting room with other 10 guys almost 14 hours a day even in weekend. I try not to think a lot about that now.

Good luck for my friends, who have started to work or already worked for a while. Happy Mid Autume or Moon Festival. Buy some cakes in Bravo, Mik!


Sales Nature

星期二突然的放了聽說是兩年來第一個颱風假 雖然沒有出大太陽 但也是可以好好休息一天

很久以前聽人說 做業務就是做人

幾年前Unilever的人對我說類似的話 不過沒有給我機會去證明



奇蹟似的確定了工作後 星期一就開始了我在A公司的職涯 一早當然是人資的報到流程 中午正巧遇到同事離職的歡送會就插花參加 下午研讀公司產品的書籍 晚餐同我的mentor以及同事用餐 他們看著我說 這是你最後一天可以六點半離開公司了

新人的第一個月 公司有不少訓練課程 各產品事業部會派人來講解公司產品的市場 規格 競爭狀況 另外還有必修的課程像是4P, Negotiation, presentation, time mgmt 以及很多公司文化上的事情 這是一個蠻重視內功的公司 短短三天就看了 與成功有約 豐田模式 精實革命 怎樣做個好幹部 等書 公用資料夾裡也有一堆書摘導讀 最近我的任務就是把這些基本東西了解 再慢慢學習實務上的流程處理

與同事聊天發現 長工時的工作狀況是很平常的事情 從晚餐補助遠高於午餐的事情可以發現端倪 我有幸在初入社會到現在都在品牌第一名的公司工作 要在第一名的公司裡做一流員工本來就不會是輕鬆的事情

我現在是掛在海外子公司下面 薪資以外幣支領 一個星期裡豎起耳朵偷聽的結果 將來的派駐地可能是東歐 負責產品尚未明朗 將來也不用申報台灣的所得稅 主要任務當然就是開發市場 讓公司的名字遍地開花 是個很好的機會應用所學並驗證成果

人比人氣死人 往往我下班時 在財顧上班的錢某人仍在加班 週末也不例外 不過這樣的生活型態我們都有理解與共識 寄希望於將來 好心有好報囉



六年前的九月四號 早上八點彰化市公所集合前往嘉義中坑開始一年十個月的草綠服生涯 (綠色才是王道...啊...離題了) 晚上七點半剛是剃完頭領完裝備吃完晚餐忐忑不安的晃來晃去 七天後的911 一個月後的大抽籤 之後的金門炮指部 喔喔 又離題了

2007年九月四號的今天 下午約了四點做第二次面試 提早了三十分鐘到 排在前面的那位突然找不到人 (我是清白的) 剛好順勢補上 跟人在另一地區的主管視訊面談 旁邊另坐了三位小主管共同進行 四十幾分鐘左右的對答 加上之前週末寫的一個七頁的產品報告 晚上六點半滂沱大雨中手機響起 我知道我可以堅若磐石 不再畏懼打槍攻勢

Y小姐回國後 台X 開X 國X X蛋 等等的面試與offer如雪片般飛來 曾有一度以為就是去 台X了 畢竟package給的相當優渥 仍居當前之冠 之後在朋友介紹推薦履歷轉送下 與D家及P家財顧接觸 兩到三輪的面試後都拿到offer 再次面臨長考 最後M&A勝出 Operational Risk落馬

一起回台的J&J couple 也是相當快速順利的投入D家與知名的L化妝品公司 至此 Carlson MBA+MAcc 07 TW學生都有了飯碗可捧 祝前程似錦

2007/09/04 I am informed by ASUSTek that they'd like to offer me the job as Sales Rep in the EU BU. After three months probation, I will be expatirated to Europe, staying there at least 2/3 of a year. I will be on board next week, so far, I am not sure what I will be in charge and where I will go. This electronics industry is what I like and Europe is where I want to spend more time to experience. ASUS is the number one brand in Taiwan and hope I can make it more popular.

FYI. Yvonne will take the consultant job in PricewaterhouseCoopers Financial Advisory Services. More information about us will be updated. Please be patient.