
Internship of Valspar

Today, after 3 hours interview, Ms Chien got a call to inform her got the job from Valspar. Finally she finishes the 3 months struggle and Valspar is close to Carlson and our new apartment. So it's a perfect opportunity. However, might have more interviews to do this week. But maybe this is the one.

Well, thanks for everyone's regard. I finally got an offer from Petters Group this morning. It's a little far from downtown and the job is about supply chain management. 開始用中文寫好了,目前還在等其他幾間的回應,所以是把這個當成候補。希望運氣開始變好,可以來個三選一。

For international students, after having an offer, we have to go to ISSS to get a CPT form. The school advisor will fill out the form, afterward, handing that form back to ISSS again so that they can proceed our working visa. Only after we have a new working visa, we can work at a company. The working hour limitation is 40 hours per week during summer and the due day is September 2nd this year. If we have a part time job later, we have to apply a new working visa, and during school semester, the working hour is below 20 hours per week.

最近加了一點新功能,參照了LuLu的blog,加了可以顯示網頁瀏覽者來源的地圖功能。所以說每天可以知道從世界各地連上此網頁的人數,紅色點越大表示人越多,很大一部分應該是自己貢獻的。(我總要寫自己的東西吧!非灌水) 有興趣的可以參考一下。

linkedIn是一個學姊介紹的東西,主要是建立人脈,以便有資訊的交流,主要是在找工作的目的上吧。以我目前的感覺來看。所以建立的話可以透過你的聯絡人以及你朋友的朋友去達到網絡的資訊交流。(自己都看不太懂中文在寫什麼,真是罄竹難書啊! 好難寫! [大家來拗])

最後是天氣的資訊,隨時可以知道明州的天氣如何。(眾: We don't care how is it in MN....) 好吧,我自己高興一下。

The small map below the counter is a new feature. It shows the source of the visitors to my blog. And the bigger the red dot, the more visitors from that area. Definitely, I contribute a lot in MN.
So keep visiting.

1 則留言:

匿名 提到...

Congrats! Ms Chien~