Only 2 weeks left, and this interesting 2007 will end.
At the beginning of this year, we just came back Taiwan, and wondered whether that would be our last time back home, since not sure would stay in US or not.
Before graduation, I still remembered 3 days a week driving my Toyota from seven corners to Minnetonka for the part time job. Now everytime I listen to MPR, I feel like sitting behind the handling wheel driving in MPLS.
Before selling my car, I did have great time playing golf with my classmates.
In June, we went to South Dakota and Illinois. Might be our last long road trip in the US.
July, back home Taiwan.
2 months later, start to work and pay back the debt.
All of a sudden, I have worked for 3 months, and on Jan 01 2008, I will fly to East Europe for my first business trip. Life is really unpredictable.
2007 is important for my career, and 2008 will be more important for my life.
News will be released at the right time.
但如果八九都發生在同一個星期 就真的很不如意了
最自責的事情是明知道不應該犯的錯 卻還是發生
幾個該抓的檢查點沒把關好 眼睜睜的就把錯的訊息散發出去
一是自己下的工夫不夠深 該有的警覺沒有深植心中
另一個是搶著趕快完成的心態 沒再仔細的檢查事情的來龍去脈
該追該抓該留心的地方 隨著出包的教訓 好好的記著!
但如果八九都發生在同一個星期 就真的很不如意了
最自責的事情是明知道不應該犯的錯 卻還是發生
幾個該抓的檢查點沒把關好 眼睜睜的就把錯的訊息散發出去
一是自己下的工夫不夠深 該有的警覺沒有深植心中
另一個是搶著趕快完成的心態 沒再仔細的檢查事情的來龍去脈
該追該抓該留心的地方 隨著出包的教訓 好好的記著!
High and Low
Everyday has new surprises at work. Sometimes it makes me upset, but sometimes I feel really achieving something.
Yesterday, I got to office pretty early and tried to complete a routine important task. However, system had problems, and I was along without any assistance. I was not sure whether the problem was me or system, therefore, I felt so depressed becaue I could finish the job one day earlier. At the end, it proved to be a system problem, but the mental burden was still there.
Today, I had to deal with an insufficient supply issue. Had to convince one customer to take a replacing model and even take more qty and other models. The outcome was pleasing especially for newbie like me. Customer decided to take 6K products, the qty accounts for 1/3 of the yearly sales in the area. High!
Yesterday, I got to office pretty early and tried to complete a routine important task. However, system had problems, and I was along without any assistance. I was not sure whether the problem was me or system, therefore, I felt so depressed becaue I could finish the job one day earlier. At the end, it proved to be a system problem, but the mental burden was still there.
Today, I had to deal with an insufficient supply issue. Had to convince one customer to take a replacing model and even take more qty and other models. The outcome was pleasing especially for newbie like me. Customer decided to take 6K products, the qty accounts for 1/3 of the yearly sales in the area. High!
Two months
One more week, I have already worked for 2 months.
Now I am contacting customers, and the first deal I closed was a container keyboard and mouse.
Today, our quarterly business review just finished.
By seeing how my master handling business in three countries, I feel it's a challenging task, also a real opportunity to handle business in part of the world.
Working hour is long, however, I have realized the feeling of idling for a long time. (Most are before my MBA study...) Now I just make up my previous idling time.
Ok. For my previous post. I arranged some events in a nice restaurant with rose bouquet, ring, etc. Asking some questions that the answer already known. ('s self confident!)
More detail will be released in the coming year. You will be updated by visiting this site.
Now I am contacting customers, and the first deal I closed was a container keyboard and mouse.
Today, our quarterly business review just finished.
By seeing how my master handling business in three countries, I feel it's a challenging task, also a real opportunity to handle business in part of the world.
Working hour is long, however, I have realized the feeling of idling for a long time. (Most are before my MBA study...) Now I just make up my previous idling time.
Ok. For my previous post. I arranged some events in a nice restaurant with rose bouquet, ring, etc. Asking some questions that the answer already known. ('s self confident!)
More detail will be released in the coming year. You will be updated by visiting this site.
碰巧又與從事版權經銷的大學室友同個屋簷 過去不太看小說的我最近開始淺嚐
看完這本地獄藍調 不論是主角性格的塑造 劇情的鋪陳 動作的場面 場景的浩大
雖然對我來說 作家很大部分的工作還是以成堆的文字堆砌敘述人物場景與狀況
對於小說 我應該改變初衷 換個觀點加以欣賞 附上專家網站 請自行前往欣賞最新奇幻文學書訊
碰巧又與從事版權經銷的大學室友同個屋簷 過去不太看小說的我最近開始淺嚐
看完這本地獄藍調 不論是主角性格的塑造 劇情的鋪陳 動作的場面 場景的浩大
雖然對我來說 作家很大部分的工作還是以成堆的文字堆砌敘述人物場景與狀況
對於小說 我應該改變初衷 換個觀點加以欣賞 附上專家網站 請自行前往欣賞最新奇幻文學書訊
<<與成功有約>> 7 habits of highly effective people
1.恐懼與不安全感:對未來恐懼 唯恐失去工作與維持家庭生計的能力 以致於屈就於沒有風險以及與家人同事互賴的生活。獨立是重要的 但是我們生活在互賴的現實中 需要有互賴的技巧
2.現在就要:先享受後付款 但現實是消費不能超過當前的產能,利息的負擔是毫不留情絕不寬貸,即使努力工作也還不夠。需要不斷重新教育自我 開創自我 發展競爭力避免淘汰
3.推諉及受害主義:小媳婦心態 暫時解除痛苦但無法擺脫問題。選擇的重要 踏出第一步 以創新的方式解決或改變
4.絕望:憤世嫉俗-只要降低對人生的期望 不要再因任何人事物失望就好。但成長與希望的原則是我才是創造自己人生的力量
5.生活失去重心:工作是維繫生命的引擎,但要獲得心靈的平衡與平靜是得認清自己最重視的是什麼 然後專注而誠懇的朝目標邁進
6.找最好的:別人的失敗就是我的成功? 彼此尊重並為彼此利益努力才能真正成就大業
9.個人的阻力-身體 智力 情感 心靈四方面
a.身體:文化(眾人)維持原來的生活型態 以手術藥物解決健康問題
b.智力:文化:看電視 自我娛樂
原則:廣泛而深入的閱讀 不斷接受教育
我們以個人心靈地圖詮釋所有經驗 從不懷疑地圖是否正確 認為個人所見所聞為感官傳來的訊息即外界真實情況 我們的行為又從這些假設衍生而來 思維決定一個人的思想與行為 思考角度的轉換 例子:燈塔與軍艦 少女與老婦 地鐵上吵鬧的小孩
然而地圖只是輔助到達地點的工具 最重要的還是地點本身(原則) 如何達到?
1.承認自己的無知 虛心踏出第一步
4.反求諸己 由內而外:先追求個人的成功才有人際關係的成就
7 habits 追求個人的成功再尋求公眾的成功
1.主動積極: 掌握選擇的自由
人與動物的不同在於自覺能力 個人行為取決本身而非外在環境 除非選擇受制於人 「昨日之我選擇今日之我」 ex:納粹的監禁無法控制法蘭柯的意志
行動勝過感覺 >不說辦不到 而是怎樣找到辦法
關心範圍:健康 子女 事業 經濟狀況等等 不一而足
影響範圍:個人可以控制的事情 -->把心力投注在能有作為的事情,所得成就將使影響範圍逐步擴大
描述關切範圍的話語多帶有架設性質 如果怎樣怎樣 就… 反應影響範圍的語句多半強調本身的修養 我可以更有耐心…
2.以終為始:鎖定生命的座標 不要埋頭苦幹卻不知所謂何來 蓋棺論定時希望獲得的評價才是心中渴望的目標
先構思再行動 訂定使命與行為本身同樣重要
自己的憲法?生活的重心? 休太長的假 看太多電視電影 長久無所事事 都只是浪費生命 無益於增長智慧 激發潛能 製造更多的空虛而已
個人使命宣言:我們是發現而不是發明自己的人生使命 需要善用想像 自我心靈演練去發現
選取自己擔任的腳色 寫下自己的目標 進而有家庭使命宣言 與組織使命宣言
依照重要與否 緊急與否的矩陣加以管理 注意重要的事 救火之外還要能做長期規劃
勇於說不 排除次要事務的牽絆
a.一致:個人理想使命 角色目標 工作重點計劃之間應一致
b.平衡:助於生活各方面的平衡發展 成功的事業可否彌補破碎的婚姻?
c.重心:一周七天每天不同優先標的 但七日一體相互呼應 著重不緊迫卻重要的事情
e.人性:人際關係的得失偶爾需犧牲效率 日程表是在協助工作推行而非讓落後進度產生罪惡感
對事可以講效率 對人應講效用,某些行為是否有效
從認識自己開始 -->了解自己>注意小節>信守承諾>闡明期望>誠懇正直>勇於道歉
一對一的關係是人生最基本的要素 有賴高上的人格來維繫 光靠管理眾人的技巧不足以為功
協議/制度/流程 基礎是品格 建立互利關係 獲得兩全其美的協議 協議有賴合理的制度配合 經由正確的流程完成
開處方前先診斷>平庸的業務推銷產品 傑出的業務銷售解決問題 滿足解決之道 萬一產品不符客戶需要也要勇於承認
化阻力為助力 尊重差異
7.不斷更新 磨利工具 從四方面鍛鍊自己
d.心靈:動機純正 為人服務
以一個人現有表現期許之 她不會有所長進 以潛能與應有的成就期許 就會不負眾望
剛好趁機會把重點整理一下 溫故知新 與大家分享
1.恐懼與不安全感:對未來恐懼 唯恐失去工作與維持家庭生計的能力 以致於屈就於沒有風險以及與家人同事互賴的生活。獨立是重要的 但是我們生活在互賴的現實中 需要有互賴的技巧
2.現在就要:先享受後付款 但現實是消費不能超過當前的產能,利息的負擔是毫不留情絕不寬貸,即使努力工作也還不夠。需要不斷重新教育自我 開創自我 發展競爭力避免淘汰
3.推諉及受害主義:小媳婦心態 暫時解除痛苦但無法擺脫問題。選擇的重要 踏出第一步 以創新的方式解決或改變
4.絕望:憤世嫉俗-只要降低對人生的期望 不要再因任何人事物失望就好。但成長與希望的原則是我才是創造自己人生的力量
5.生活失去重心:工作是維繫生命的引擎,但要獲得心靈的平衡與平靜是得認清自己最重視的是什麼 然後專注而誠懇的朝目標邁進
6.找最好的:別人的失敗就是我的成功? 彼此尊重並為彼此利益努力才能真正成就大業
9.個人的阻力-身體 智力 情感 心靈四方面
a.身體:文化(眾人)維持原來的生活型態 以手術藥物解決健康問題
b.智力:文化:看電視 自我娛樂
原則:廣泛而深入的閱讀 不斷接受教育
我們以個人心靈地圖詮釋所有經驗 從不懷疑地圖是否正確 認為個人所見所聞為感官傳來的訊息即外界真實情況 我們的行為又從這些假設衍生而來 思維決定一個人的思想與行為 思考角度的轉換 例子:燈塔與軍艦 少女與老婦 地鐵上吵鬧的小孩
然而地圖只是輔助到達地點的工具 最重要的還是地點本身(原則) 如何達到?
1.承認自己的無知 虛心踏出第一步
4.反求諸己 由內而外:先追求個人的成功才有人際關係的成就
7 habits 追求個人的成功再尋求公眾的成功
1.主動積極: 掌握選擇的自由
人與動物的不同在於自覺能力 個人行為取決本身而非外在環境 除非選擇受制於人 「昨日之我選擇今日之我」 ex:納粹的監禁無法控制法蘭柯的意志
行動勝過感覺 >不說辦不到 而是怎樣找到辦法
關心範圍:健康 子女 事業 經濟狀況等等 不一而足
影響範圍:個人可以控制的事情 -->把心力投注在能有作為的事情,所得成就將使影響範圍逐步擴大
描述關切範圍的話語多帶有架設性質 如果怎樣怎樣 就… 反應影響範圍的語句多半強調本身的修養 我可以更有耐心…
2.以終為始:鎖定生命的座標 不要埋頭苦幹卻不知所謂何來 蓋棺論定時希望獲得的評價才是心中渴望的目標
先構思再行動 訂定使命與行為本身同樣重要
自己的憲法?生活的重心? 休太長的假 看太多電視電影 長久無所事事 都只是浪費生命 無益於增長智慧 激發潛能 製造更多的空虛而已
個人使命宣言:我們是發現而不是發明自己的人生使命 需要善用想像 自我心靈演練去發現
選取自己擔任的腳色 寫下自己的目標 進而有家庭使命宣言 與組織使命宣言
依照重要與否 緊急與否的矩陣加以管理 注意重要的事 救火之外還要能做長期規劃
勇於說不 排除次要事務的牽絆
a.一致:個人理想使命 角色目標 工作重點計劃之間應一致
b.平衡:助於生活各方面的平衡發展 成功的事業可否彌補破碎的婚姻?
c.重心:一周七天每天不同優先標的 但七日一體相互呼應 著重不緊迫卻重要的事情
e.人性:人際關係的得失偶爾需犧牲效率 日程表是在協助工作推行而非讓落後進度產生罪惡感
對事可以講效率 對人應講效用,某些行為是否有效
從認識自己開始 -->了解自己>注意小節>信守承諾>闡明期望>誠懇正直>勇於道歉
一對一的關係是人生最基本的要素 有賴高上的人格來維繫 光靠管理眾人的技巧不足以為功
協議/制度/流程 基礎是品格 建立互利關係 獲得兩全其美的協議 協議有賴合理的制度配合 經由正確的流程完成
開處方前先診斷>平庸的業務推銷產品 傑出的業務銷售解決問題 滿足解決之道 萬一產品不符客戶需要也要勇於承認
化阻力為助力 尊重差異
7.不斷更新 磨利工具 從四方面鍛鍊自己
d.心靈:動機純正 為人服務
以一個人現有表現期許之 她不會有所長進 以潛能與應有的成就期許 就會不負眾望
剛好趁機會把重點整理一下 溫故知新 與大家分享
Final test
Since last Thursday, every new employee had to present what s/he learned in the past one month. My topic is about one product in Romania, where I might go next year. The unpredictable part was nobody would know what the vice sales president would ask after each presentation. I was lucky that he did not give me any hard time. Therefore, I am passed.
My second week in AXXX
Per my funniest classmate's request, I will try to write my blog occationally in English. My schedule in the second week was still full of class, and this week I got one day off because one Typhoon suddenly approached. As an employee, this kind of leave is the gift from the god. That was the only time happened in the past two years, and it happened to me in my second week at work.
What I have done in the past two weeks is to attend class and study company profile and product information. We are now the biggest motherboard (mainboard) manufacturer in the world. (Mik, motherboard is the largest board in your pc, carrying CPU, RAM, and other cards. You need to open your PC to see it.) Also, VGA card(graphic card) is no.1 too. CD-ROM may be no.3. So far, I heard that I will be expatriated to East Europe and responsible for component products. Notebook will be handled by another guy if we could find one.
My primary responsibility is to deal with distributors and dealers, asking them to promote our product. So next time if you have chance visiting BestBuy or Circuit City, please find ASUS product and give me some feedback. I know price would be one issue, but that's what I cannot do anything to change it.
Yvonne's job is now dealing with NPL issue of a local company. What I know is that she sits in a meeting room with other 10 guys almost 14 hours a day even in weekend. I try not to think a lot about that now.
Good luck for my friends, who have started to work or already worked for a while. Happy Mid Autume or Moon Festival. Buy some cakes in Bravo, Mik!
What I have done in the past two weeks is to attend class and study company profile and product information. We are now the biggest motherboard (mainboard) manufacturer in the world. (Mik, motherboard is the largest board in your pc, carrying CPU, RAM, and other cards. You need to open your PC to see it.) Also, VGA card(graphic card) is no.1 too. CD-ROM may be no.3. So far, I heard that I will be expatriated to East Europe and responsible for component products. Notebook will be handled by another guy if we could find one.
My primary responsibility is to deal with distributors and dealers, asking them to promote our product. So next time if you have chance visiting BestBuy or Circuit City, please find ASUS product and give me some feedback. I know price would be one issue, but that's what I cannot do anything to change it.
Yvonne's job is now dealing with NPL issue of a local company. What I know is that she sits in a meeting room with other 10 guys almost 14 hours a day even in weekend. I try not to think a lot about that now.
Good luck for my friends, who have started to work or already worked for a while. Happy Mid Autume or Moon Festival. Buy some cakes in Bravo, Mik!
Sales Nature
星期二突然的放了聽說是兩年來第一個颱風假 雖然沒有出大太陽 但也是可以好好休息一天
很久以前聽人說 做業務就是做人
幾年前Unilever的人對我說類似的話 不過沒有給我機會去證明
很久以前聽人說 做業務就是做人
幾年前Unilever的人對我說類似的話 不過沒有給我機會去證明
奇蹟似的確定了工作後 星期一就開始了我在A公司的職涯 一早當然是人資的報到流程 中午正巧遇到同事離職的歡送會就插花參加 下午研讀公司產品的書籍 晚餐同我的mentor以及同事用餐 他們看著我說 這是你最後一天可以六點半離開公司了
新人的第一個月 公司有不少訓練課程 各產品事業部會派人來講解公司產品的市場 規格 競爭狀況 另外還有必修的課程像是4P, Negotiation, presentation, time mgmt 以及很多公司文化上的事情 這是一個蠻重視內功的公司 短短三天就看了 與成功有約 豐田模式 精實革命 怎樣做個好幹部 等書 公用資料夾裡也有一堆書摘導讀 最近我的任務就是把這些基本東西了解 再慢慢學習實務上的流程處理
與同事聊天發現 長工時的工作狀況是很平常的事情 從晚餐補助遠高於午餐的事情可以發現端倪 我有幸在初入社會到現在都在品牌第一名的公司工作 要在第一名的公司裡做一流員工本來就不會是輕鬆的事情
我現在是掛在海外子公司下面 薪資以外幣支領 一個星期裡豎起耳朵偷聽的結果 將來的派駐地可能是東歐 負責產品尚未明朗 將來也不用申報台灣的所得稅 主要任務當然就是開發市場 讓公司的名字遍地開花 是個很好的機會應用所學並驗證成果
人比人氣死人 往往我下班時 在財顧上班的錢某人仍在加班 週末也不例外 不過這樣的生活型態我們都有理解與共識 寄希望於將來 好心有好報囉
新人的第一個月 公司有不少訓練課程 各產品事業部會派人來講解公司產品的市場 規格 競爭狀況 另外還有必修的課程像是4P, Negotiation, presentation, time mgmt 以及很多公司文化上的事情 這是一個蠻重視內功的公司 短短三天就看了 與成功有約 豐田模式 精實革命 怎樣做個好幹部 等書 公用資料夾裡也有一堆書摘導讀 最近我的任務就是把這些基本東西了解 再慢慢學習實務上的流程處理
與同事聊天發現 長工時的工作狀況是很平常的事情 從晚餐補助遠高於午餐的事情可以發現端倪 我有幸在初入社會到現在都在品牌第一名的公司工作 要在第一名的公司裡做一流員工本來就不會是輕鬆的事情
我現在是掛在海外子公司下面 薪資以外幣支領 一個星期裡豎起耳朵偷聽的結果 將來的派駐地可能是東歐 負責產品尚未明朗 將來也不用申報台灣的所得稅 主要任務當然就是開發市場 讓公司的名字遍地開花 是個很好的機會應用所學並驗證成果
人比人氣死人 往往我下班時 在財顧上班的錢某人仍在加班 週末也不例外 不過這樣的生活型態我們都有理解與共識 寄希望於將來 好心有好報囉
六年前的九月四號 早上八點彰化市公所集合前往嘉義中坑開始一年十個月的草綠服生涯 (綠色才是王道...啊...離題了) 晚上七點半剛是剃完頭領完裝備吃完晚餐忐忑不安的晃來晃去 七天後的911 一個月後的大抽籤 之後的金門炮指部 喔喔 又離題了
2007年九月四號的今天 下午約了四點做第二次面試 提早了三十分鐘到 排在前面的那位突然找不到人 (我是清白的) 剛好順勢補上 跟人在另一地區的主管視訊面談 旁邊另坐了三位小主管共同進行 四十幾分鐘左右的對答 加上之前週末寫的一個七頁的產品報告 晚上六點半滂沱大雨中手機響起 我知道我可以堅若磐石 不再畏懼打槍攻勢
Y小姐回國後 台X 開X 國X X蛋 等等的面試與offer如雪片般飛來 曾有一度以為就是去 台X了 畢竟package給的相當優渥 仍居當前之冠 之後在朋友介紹推薦履歷轉送下 與D家及P家財顧接觸 兩到三輪的面試後都拿到offer 再次面臨長考 最後M&A勝出 Operational Risk落馬
一起回台的J&J couple 也是相當快速順利的投入D家與知名的L化妝品公司 至此 Carlson MBA+MAcc 07 TW學生都有了飯碗可捧 祝前程似錦
2007/09/04 I am informed by ASUSTek that they'd like to offer me the job as Sales Rep in the EU BU. After three months probation, I will be expatirated to Europe, staying there at least 2/3 of a year. I will be on board next week, so far, I am not sure what I will be in charge and where I will go. This electronics industry is what I like and Europe is where I want to spend more time to experience. ASUS is the number one brand in Taiwan and hope I can make it more popular.
FYI. Yvonne will take the consultant job in PricewaterhouseCoopers Financial Advisory Services. More information about us will be updated. Please be patient.
2007年九月四號的今天 下午約了四點做第二次面試 提早了三十分鐘到 排在前面的那位突然找不到人 (我是清白的) 剛好順勢補上 跟人在另一地區的主管視訊面談 旁邊另坐了三位小主管共同進行 四十幾分鐘左右的對答 加上之前週末寫的一個七頁的產品報告 晚上六點半滂沱大雨中手機響起 我知道我可以堅若磐石 不再畏懼打槍攻勢
Y小姐回國後 台X 開X 國X X蛋 等等的面試與offer如雪片般飛來 曾有一度以為就是去 台X了 畢竟package給的相當優渥 仍居當前之冠 之後在朋友介紹推薦履歷轉送下 與D家及P家財顧接觸 兩到三輪的面試後都拿到offer 再次面臨長考 最後M&A勝出 Operational Risk落馬
一起回台的J&J couple 也是相當快速順利的投入D家與知名的L化妝品公司 至此 Carlson MBA+MAcc 07 TW學生都有了飯碗可捧 祝前程似錦
2007/09/04 I am informed by ASUSTek that they'd like to offer me the job as Sales Rep in the EU BU. After three months probation, I will be expatirated to Europe, staying there at least 2/3 of a year. I will be on board next week, so far, I am not sure what I will be in charge and where I will go. This electronics industry is what I like and Europe is where I want to spend more time to experience. ASUS is the number one brand in Taiwan and hope I can make it more popular.
FYI. Yvonne will take the consultant job in PricewaterhouseCoopers Financial Advisory Services. More information about us will be updated. Please be patient.
回到台灣三個星期多 本想在工作底定之後再行PO文 但此番人生大事似乎要花上比預期更久的時間 尤其在畢業之後另起爐灶之時更得小心翼翼取得好彩頭 未免被認為人間蒸發特發一文紀念高鐵初體驗
高鐵台中站位在台鐵新烏日站五分鐘走路可到的地方 從彰化火車站出發的話 撘區間車十分鐘可到新烏日 便可趕上高鐵列車 基本上是每三十分鐘一班開往台北的列車 不過發車前五分鐘不賣票 兩分鐘前不讓人上月台 最令人百思不解的是高鐵售票的龜速 如果用信用卡購票的話 要花上五分鐘才能刷卡完畢 完全不能理解 若用自動售票機購票的話 還要用預借現金的密碼 阿我從來不預借現金的怎知道密碼為何? 車站裡倒是充滿了來參觀的阿公阿媽旅行團
順利上車之後 五十分鐘就到了台北車站 位子雖然不是很大 但也算乾淨整齊 廁所跟飛機上的廁所差不多 這次也沒遇上倒退或是站票的事件 一小時上台北的代價是新台幣七百元 省去了舟車勞頓 高鐵還是有存在的價值 只希望不要繼續出包阿
高鐵台中站位在台鐵新烏日站五分鐘走路可到的地方 從彰化火車站出發的話 撘區間車十分鐘可到新烏日 便可趕上高鐵列車 基本上是每三十分鐘一班開往台北的列車 不過發車前五分鐘不賣票 兩分鐘前不讓人上月台 最令人百思不解的是高鐵售票的龜速 如果用信用卡購票的話 要花上五分鐘才能刷卡完畢 完全不能理解 若用自動售票機購票的話 還要用預借現金的密碼 阿我從來不預借現金的怎知道密碼為何? 車站裡倒是充滿了來參觀的阿公阿媽旅行團
順利上車之後 五十分鐘就到了台北車站 位子雖然不是很大 但也算乾淨整齊 廁所跟飛機上的廁所差不多 這次也沒遇上倒退或是站票的事件 一小時上台北的代價是新台幣七百元 省去了舟車勞頓 高鐵還是有存在的價值 只希望不要繼續出包阿
Bridge Collapse
This morning I was waken up by a shocking news that was 35W bridge cross Mississippi river collapsed. From the news image, I could even see my apt I used to live which is close to the bridge. There are 7 people dead so far, but around 40 cars still under water. I recalled that the bridge is under construction for months. Fortunately, anyone we knew is not involved in the accident.
It is so terrible.
Here is the CNN news link:
It is so terrible.
Here is the CNN news link:
Last post in MN Bye Bye Carlson
Today 11:23 am we will take NW airline back to Taiwan. It's also the first time I know that sun rises around 5 am in the morning. After throwing out our last trash, we took a walk to Carlson as our last visit during these two years. It's hard to describe my feeling now, a little bit sad, not much exciting, just strange and weired. All the stuff used to fill a two bed room now become only 10 luggage. I think this is exactly what life is all about. You might not be able to keep a lot of things, but memories are with you forever. Thanks to all the friends we met in Carlson, in MN, in Midwest, and in US. Keep in touch and all the best for the new beginning.
MSN (not my current email account)
今天七月二十是我們在美國的最後一天 早上十一點二十三分的班機飛回台灣
直到早上六點才完成最後的清掃工作及打包 好不容易把每箱都調整成五十磅左右
最後的幾天也陸陸續續有朋友來道別送行 當時心理並未有特別的感覺
兩年前的戰戰兢兢 到現在的如魚得水
其中感想 如人飲水 冷暖自知
再來又得調整作息 面對新的階段
MSN (not my current email account)
今天七月二十是我們在美國的最後一天 早上十一點二十三分的班機飛回台灣
直到早上六點才完成最後的清掃工作及打包 好不容易把每箱都調整成五十磅左右
最後的幾天也陸陸續續有朋友來道別送行 當時心理並未有特別的感覺
兩年前的戰戰兢兢 到現在的如魚得水
其中感想 如人飲水 冷暖自知
再來又得調整作息 面對新的階段
July 11, we shipped out all the boxes to Taiwan. There are total 13 boxes, 37 cube ft, total weight 556 lb. Shipping fee is $257. We just need to drop our boxes in North St Paul, and then we could pick up in TW. Fortunately, Honda Element can hold all those boxes so that we don't need to rent a U haul truck.

Almost block the hallway....

2 years for 10 boxes only la....Varisa you still wins.....

Honda Element is a good car...
Almost block the hallway....
2 years for 10 boxes only la....Varisa you still wins.....
Honda Element is a good car...
My last July 4th in US
因為是July 4th sale的最後一天 就直接殺去outlet看看還有沒有什麼便宜可撿
最後到機場還完車回到家是晚上十點 國慶煙火剛好放完結束
GMAT 760
為了避免越俎代庖 我只挑選一些照片以投影片的方式透露一下兩天的過程
二號一早去拿花 校園照相 法院公證 親友接捧花 最後辦理結婚證書
The following photo link is to Bride and Groom's verson
因為是July 4th sale的最後一天 就直接殺去outlet看看還有沒有什麼便宜可撿
最後到機場還完車回到家是晚上十點 國慶煙火剛好放完結束
GMAT 760
為了避免越俎代庖 我只挑選一些照片以投影片的方式透露一下兩天的過程
二號一早去拿花 校園照相 法院公證 親友接捧花 最後辦理結婚證書
The following photo link is to Bride and Groom's verson
Car sold
We bought a car in Feb. It's a Toyota Corolla 2002 CE. Two problem for that car, one is high mileage, which was 108000 Mi, the other one is salvage title. Bought in price was $6K, and sold at $4K today.(June 26) The purpose of car was for my part time job during the last semester in Polaroid. Life becomes more convenient to drive a your own car living in MN. Maybe we should get one earlier so that we could go to more places.
賣掉生平第一台自己名下的車子 說實話也沒什麼感覺 因為當初決定的因素只是因為買比租更划算 尤其是在保險費上面 跟租車公司租車 Damage Waiver一天就要十幾塊錢 DW負責所有車子的損壞 套句我表弟的話撞到車子只剩下一個輪子也不用賠 去年暑假的intern花再租車上的開銷就三千多 等於把薪水貢獻在車上 開去上班心酸的 何況在MN生活 雖然大眾運輸系統尚可 但仍不比紐約 芝加哥 波士頓 洛杉磯等大城市 很多地方沒車的話還是到不了 加上還失去了時間上的彈性與自主性
在美國的兩年內 我應該是把下半輩子開車的哩程數都用光了 去年春假跟明天要再開一千五百英里去伊利諾香檳 之後去了密西西比河源頭 去年暑假從猶他州鹽湖城開到大提頓跟黃石公園 今年去了冰河國家公園 上星期去的南達克達州 還前前後後去了Duluth三次 總計拿到一張超速罰單
賣掉生平第一台自己名下的車子 說實話也沒什麼感覺 因為當初決定的因素只是因為買比租更划算 尤其是在保險費上面 跟租車公司租車 Damage Waiver一天就要十幾塊錢 DW負責所有車子的損壞 套句我表弟的話撞到車子只剩下一個輪子也不用賠 去年暑假的intern花再租車上的開銷就三千多 等於把薪水貢獻在車上 開去上班心酸的 何況在MN生活 雖然大眾運輸系統尚可 但仍不比紐約 芝加哥 波士頓 洛杉磯等大城市 很多地方沒車的話還是到不了 加上還失去了時間上的彈性與自主性
在美國的兩年內 我應該是把下半輩子開車的哩程數都用光了 去年春假跟明天要再開一千五百英里去伊利諾香檳 之後去了密西西比河源頭 去年暑假從猶他州鹽湖城開到大提頓跟黃石公園 今年去了冰河國家公園 上星期去的南達克達州 還前前後後去了Duluth三次 總計拿到一張超速罰單
North Shore MN & MI 6/20~23
Our second last road trip destination is North Shore of Minnesota. The reason for this decision was that flying ticket to anywhere else is too expensive and we had already gone to all famous popular places nearby. Since last time we went to Duluth but only to Split Rock, this time we could go all the way until Canada border.
This is also the first time and the last time that we drive our own car to travel. In order to save money, this time we still do camping and it is our last time doing so.
6/20 First stop by Duluth. We drive to Cascade state park to secure our campsite for three days and also found information about biking and canoeing. Before sunset, we took a trail to lookout mountain in the park.



6/21 We planned to ride bikes and canoe all in one day. However, after canoeing, we found that is impossible. It took us almost 30 minutes to find where the canoe was. We needed to put the canoe into water by ourselves and no other groups of people doing the same thing that morning. It was a little scary to being alone on the river.

In the afternoon, we went to Grand Marais and ate the World's Best Donut. It was really chilly even though the sunshine was still strong.
6/22 We spent our whole day in Michigan because we went to Isle Royale National Park, which is the biggest island in the Superior Lake. The only transporation from MN is Voyageur II boat. The weather was not good during our way to Isle Royale and we did not see the sunk boat SS America. On the island, we took a loop trail but we did not see any live animal. However, we did see a dead moose skeleton lying by the trail. It died in April because of wolf attack. On the way back to MN, we passed the light house. So now we have gone to Michigan.


6/23 We headed home directly and wondered that we might not be back to Duluth in 10 years.
More photo here:
This is also the first time and the last time that we drive our own car to travel. In order to save money, this time we still do camping and it is our last time doing so.
6/20 First stop by Duluth. We drive to Cascade state park to secure our campsite for three days and also found information about biking and canoeing. Before sunset, we took a trail to lookout mountain in the park.
6/21 We planned to ride bikes and canoe all in one day. However, after canoeing, we found that is impossible. It took us almost 30 minutes to find where the canoe was. We needed to put the canoe into water by ourselves and no other groups of people doing the same thing that morning. It was a little scary to being alone on the river.
In the afternoon, we went to Grand Marais and ate the World's Best Donut. It was really chilly even though the sunshine was still strong.
6/22 We spent our whole day in Michigan because we went to Isle Royale National Park, which is the biggest island in the Superior Lake. The only transporation from MN is Voyageur II boat. The weather was not good during our way to Isle Royale and we did not see the sunk boat SS America. On the island, we took a loop trail but we did not see any live animal. However, we did see a dead moose skeleton lying by the trail. It died in April because of wolf attack. On the way back to MN, we passed the light house. So now we have gone to Michigan.
6/23 We headed home directly and wondered that we might not be back to Duluth in 10 years.
More photo here:
6/14 We went to Orpheum Theatre to see MAMMA MIA. One hour before the show, we could get student discount ticket priced at only $20 per person. The story is about a daughter trying to find her dad before her wedding from her mother's three lovers. And the whole show is based on ABBA's songs including Dancing Queen.
It is beyond my expectation and we bought the album the next day.
Intro of the show is in the following link
Keep your relationship simple will save you and your children so much trouble.
It is beyond my expectation and we bought the album the next day.
Intro of the show is in the following link
Keep your relationship simple will save you and your children so much trouble.
South Dakota 6/8~6/11
We headed to South Dakota with Adam this weekend. The trip was total 1,670 miles.
Photo here:
回家前一個月左右 趕緊去一趟就在MN隔壁的南達克達州 裡面最著名的景點就是有四個美國總統頭像Mt Rushmore 該景點位在Rapid City 好死不死在最西邊 我們必須橫越整個杳無人煙南達克達州 經過東邊第一大城Sioux Falls時竟然渾然不覺 因為公路旁一點繁榮的景象都沒有 第一天就在趕路中度過 只有停在Badlands 國家公園中 稍微走了一下 看看奇特的地形與一些動物 晚上住進旅館後 在附近的Fridays餐廳吃個晚餐後就早早休息了

Badlands entrance
First day(6/8)was a 600 miles drive from MN to Rapid City, SD. We stopped by Badlands national park in the middle of the driving.
6/9 Of course we visited Mt Rushmore first. Parking fee for Mt R is annual base so that we could go back again in the evening to see the light show later.
In the afternoon, we went to Crazy Horse to see the uncomplete work. Afterward, we went to Wind Cave for a one hour underground trip. We found that there is a four hour long caving tour, participants may have to crawl in a 10 inches high hole for a long time. The natural entrance of the Wind Cave is only a hat size big hole.
We went thru custer state park and saw some deers, coyote, prairie dogs, and buffalos. Finally, we saw the light show at Mt Rushmore as the end.
整個南達克達州景點的精華真的只有在Rapid City南邊 除了總統山之外 我們先去看還在進行中的瘋馬雕像 現在雕像的臉部已經完成 負責建造的是一個私人的基金會 基於創辦人的信念兩次拒絕政府幾百萬的補助 雕像及其他設施的建設全部仰賴私人的捐贈 除了巨大的瘋馬雕像外 還要有印地安人的文化中心 大學等等設施 瘋馬雕像光是頭部的部分就已經比四個總統頭加起來還大 我們再花了四塊坐車到山腳下看看這巨大的雕像 真的相當驚人 只是懷疑還要多久才能真正結束

Mt Rushmore

Crazy Horse
之後我們還去了Wind Cave參加了一小時二十分左右的洞穴導覽解說行程 整個Wind Cave有四條路線 看遊客到達的時間做分配 每條路線都會看到box structure, popcorn structure等構造 目前整個洞穴的規模還在探勘中 目前已知就有一平方英哩的規模 後來我們才知道還有一個四小時的導覽 遊客需要戴上頭燈 護膝 護肘 在直徑大約十英吋的洞穴裡爬行 我們詢問的時候剛好還剩下三個空缺 不過因為明天是要去魔鬼塔 沒辦法趕上十二點半的tour只好抱憾離開(其實後來想想真要爬四小時的話應該會出人命才對...)

Wind Cave
最後經過custer 公園 看到一些野牛 鹿 趕在九點之前到Mt Rushmore看燈光秀 沒想到大失所望 三十分鐘的秀其實是把四位總統的功績說一遍 最後五分鐘才把白色的燈光打上總統們的臉上 沒有煙火 沒有音效 也沒有燈光顏色的變化.....當然可以理解這樣的安排啦 只是與期望有點落差



Group photo @Mt Rushmore
6/10 We just went to Devil's Tower for the day and saw NBA games in the afternoon.
離Rapid City 最近另一個全美聞名的景點是在懷俄明州的魔鬼塔 Devil's Tower. 大約兩個小時的車程到達魔鬼塔 有個環型步道大約需要一小時走完 我們還正好看到有不少人在攀岩 看完之後由於沒有別的行程 就回旅館附近的outback吃牛排 然後看NBA

6/11 We drove back to MN and went to see missile facility, Delta 09.
最後一天 起個大早 去位於90公路旁的飛彈基地參觀 其實並不是一般印象中有軍人的基地 而只是發射飛彈的發射井 裡面的飛彈也只是測試用的 現在該區域現在還是有一百五十幾顆戰略飛彈 而且全是靠空軍一號遙控發射 所以不需要有人在發射井裡面待命 每顆飛彈有一點二百萬噸炸藥的威力 最後在去了相關介紹的遊客中心之後 我們就一路向西重回文明的懷抱了

Minute Missile
Photo here:
回家前一個月左右 趕緊去一趟就在MN隔壁的南達克達州 裡面最著名的景點就是有四個美國總統頭像Mt Rushmore 該景點位在Rapid City 好死不死在最西邊 我們必須橫越整個杳無人煙南達克達州 經過東邊第一大城Sioux Falls時竟然渾然不覺 因為公路旁一點繁榮的景象都沒有 第一天就在趕路中度過 只有停在Badlands 國家公園中 稍微走了一下 看看奇特的地形與一些動物 晚上住進旅館後 在附近的Fridays餐廳吃個晚餐後就早早休息了
Badlands entrance
First day(6/8)was a 600 miles drive from MN to Rapid City, SD. We stopped by Badlands national park in the middle of the driving.
6/9 Of course we visited Mt Rushmore first. Parking fee for Mt R is annual base so that we could go back again in the evening to see the light show later.
In the afternoon, we went to Crazy Horse to see the uncomplete work. Afterward, we went to Wind Cave for a one hour underground trip. We found that there is a four hour long caving tour, participants may have to crawl in a 10 inches high hole for a long time. The natural entrance of the Wind Cave is only a hat size big hole.
We went thru custer state park and saw some deers, coyote, prairie dogs, and buffalos. Finally, we saw the light show at Mt Rushmore as the end.
整個南達克達州景點的精華真的只有在Rapid City南邊 除了總統山之外 我們先去看還在進行中的瘋馬雕像 現在雕像的臉部已經完成 負責建造的是一個私人的基金會 基於創辦人的信念兩次拒絕政府幾百萬的補助 雕像及其他設施的建設全部仰賴私人的捐贈 除了巨大的瘋馬雕像外 還要有印地安人的文化中心 大學等等設施 瘋馬雕像光是頭部的部分就已經比四個總統頭加起來還大 我們再花了四塊坐車到山腳下看看這巨大的雕像 真的相當驚人 只是懷疑還要多久才能真正結束
Mt Rushmore
Crazy Horse
之後我們還去了Wind Cave參加了一小時二十分左右的洞穴導覽解說行程 整個Wind Cave有四條路線 看遊客到達的時間做分配 每條路線都會看到box structure, popcorn structure等構造 目前整個洞穴的規模還在探勘中 目前已知就有一平方英哩的規模 後來我們才知道還有一個四小時的導覽 遊客需要戴上頭燈 護膝 護肘 在直徑大約十英吋的洞穴裡爬行 我們詢問的時候剛好還剩下三個空缺 不過因為明天是要去魔鬼塔 沒辦法趕上十二點半的tour只好抱憾離開(其實後來想想真要爬四小時的話應該會出人命才對...)
Wind Cave
最後經過custer 公園 看到一些野牛 鹿 趕在九點之前到Mt Rushmore看燈光秀 沒想到大失所望 三十分鐘的秀其實是把四位總統的功績說一遍 最後五分鐘才把白色的燈光打上總統們的臉上 沒有煙火 沒有音效 也沒有燈光顏色的變化.....當然可以理解這樣的安排啦 只是與期望有點落差
Group photo @Mt Rushmore
6/10 We just went to Devil's Tower for the day and saw NBA games in the afternoon.
離Rapid City 最近另一個全美聞名的景點是在懷俄明州的魔鬼塔 Devil's Tower. 大約兩個小時的車程到達魔鬼塔 有個環型步道大約需要一小時走完 我們還正好看到有不少人在攀岩 看完之後由於沒有別的行程 就回旅館附近的outback吃牛排 然後看NBA
6/11 We drove back to MN and went to see missile facility, Delta 09.
最後一天 起個大早 去位於90公路旁的飛彈基地參觀 其實並不是一般印象中有軍人的基地 而只是發射飛彈的發射井 裡面的飛彈也只是測試用的 現在該區域現在還是有一百五十幾顆戰略飛彈 而且全是靠空軍一號遙控發射 所以不需要有人在發射井裡面待命 每顆飛彈有一點二百萬噸炸藥的威力 最後在去了相關介紹的遊客中心之後 我們就一路向西重回文明的懷抱了
Minute Missile
Wausau, Milwaukee, Green Bay, Chicago (05/24 - 05/28)
5/24 we started our road trip to WI and IL. We left MN around 9:30AM. The first stop was Wausau, which is the largest place for American Ginseng.(花旗蔘) We met the owner and he arranged a field trip for us. We saw the ginseng farm amd also bought some fresh ginsengs.
Around 3 pm, we headed to Green Bay and had dinner in the old depot, which now is named of Titletown restaurant. It is famous for its own brewed root beer and, of course, beer.
第一天的行程是從Minneapolis(MN)出發,沿I-94向東轉29號公路至Wausau(WI),參觀許氏人蔘農場後,再繼續沿著29號公路一路向東到Green Bay(WI)。Wausau並不是個旅遊景點,不過當地的土壤十分適合人蔘生長,據說花旗蔘最盛時期,Wausau當地有1600戶蔘農,不過也因為人參栽種不易,加上目前亞洲開始有花旗蔘農場在競爭,因此目前只剩下300戶左右。



選購新鮮人蔘 (0.5磅/$18)
5/25. We went to a wild life sanctuary at Green Bay, and also saw big boats at Lake Michigan. Around noon, we headed to Chicago. We stopped by Milwaukee and took Miller beer tour. Each one could have three free samples. Since I had to drive, I only took one. By going to directly to hotel, we went to Bahai Temple first. It said it is above all religions and its temple is really amazing. At that night, we had deep dish pizza at Gino's East.
第二天,我們先到Green Bay的野生動物保護區,天氣很好,一解前一天滂沱大雨哪也不能去的遺憾。看到灰狼和coyote,很多種鳥類和老鷹,還有一大群Canada Geese的親子組合。


5/27. Morton Arboretum in the morning and Millenium Park in the afternoon. Hot Dog in Portillo's as our dinner.

5/28. Driving back to MN directly. Started at 9:30 am and arrived at MN around 4pm.
More photo are in
Around 3 pm, we headed to Green Bay and had dinner in the old depot, which now is named of Titletown restaurant. It is famous for its own brewed root beer and, of course, beer.
第一天的行程是從Minneapolis(MN)出發,沿I-94向東轉29號公路至Wausau(WI),參觀許氏人蔘農場後,再繼續沿著29號公路一路向東到Green Bay(WI)。Wausau並不是個旅遊景點,不過當地的土壤十分適合人蔘生長,據說花旗蔘最盛時期,Wausau當地有1600戶蔘農,不過也因為人參栽種不易,加上目前亞洲開始有花旗蔘農場在競爭,因此目前只剩下300戶左右。
選購新鮮人蔘 (0.5磅/$18)
5/25. We went to a wild life sanctuary at Green Bay, and also saw big boats at Lake Michigan. Around noon, we headed to Chicago. We stopped by Milwaukee and took Miller beer tour. Each one could have three free samples. Since I had to drive, I only took one. By going to directly to hotel, we went to Bahai Temple first. It said it is above all religions and its temple is really amazing. At that night, we had deep dish pizza at Gino's East.
第二天,我們先到Green Bay的野生動物保護區,天氣很好,一解前一天滂沱大雨哪也不能去的遺憾。看到灰狼和coyote,很多種鳥類和老鷹,還有一大群Canada Geese的親子組合。
Wildlife Sanctuary at Green Bay
Green Bay Harbor
中午從Green Bay沿43號公路向南開到Milwaukee,參觀Miller啤酒廠,Tour完全是免費的,結束後還提供每人一杯Miller Light和任選其他兩種啤酒的試喝 (Kambric因為要開車 認份地在任選兩種啤酒階段直接選了可樂....)
Miller最早的標誌 : Girl on the Moon
Free Beer Time
結束Miller啤酒之旅後,繼續沿著I-94向南開往芝加哥。我們先去了芝加哥北郊的Baha'i Temple,中文好像是翻成大同教,建築很特別,全世界一共有七座,芝加哥的應該是北美唯一的一座吧。
5/26. Field museum was the first stop after we woke up. We spent around 4 hours and then needed to go back to hotel because Yvonne's parents had other appointments. Around 5 pm, we went to downtown again to have dinner with a NW law school graduate.
芝加哥第一天行程,參觀了Field Museum,(票價$12,學生票$7),裡面有目前世界上保存最完整的暴龍化石--Sue,博物館真的真的很大,花了四個小時,我們只看了埃及館和地球演化史,有時間的話應該可以在裡面待很久...
5/27. Morton Arboretum in the morning and Millenium Park in the afternoon. Hot Dog in Portillo's as our dinner.
5/28. Driving back to MN directly. Started at 9:30 am and arrived at MN around 4pm.
More photo are in
Glacier National Park Trip 5/15~5/20
Right after graduation ceremony, we went to Montana Glacier National Part for exciting "Camping", which is not a typical luxury travel plan.
We flew to FCA airport on 5/15, and then drove around one hour to west entrance of Glacier NP. The first night we camped at Apagar, which was the only available full service campsite of the Park. Since going-to-the-sun road was not fully open, from the west side, we could get to Avalanche only. The first afternoon, we went to Trail of Cedars, which is the only one forest hasn't caught fire for 500 years.
The next morning, 5/16. We made a not smart decision to take Huckleberry trail, which is a 6 miles trial to a lookout tower and marked as difficult level. It was full of bugs and only two of us walked on the trail. We did not make it because did not feel well to climb high in the first day. Afterward, we went to Fish creek picnic area to finalize the day.
On 5/17, we headed to east side of the park by taking the road at the south of the Park. Running eagle falls is in Two Medicine. Later, we went to the farthest point from the east, which was before Logan Pass. In the afternoon, we took our first shower in KOA for $5 per person. That night, we camped at St Mary primitive campsite.
5/18, we went to Many Glacier, which the ranger told us "it's the Park". We did see many animals there on the loop trail and magnificent glaciers. Afterward, we went all the way back to west side in Apagar.
5/19, we took the Avalanche Lake trail, which is an easy 2.3 miles trail. In the afternoon, we spent time in west glacier town and did some shopping and eating.
5/20, our flight was around noon, so we did not have much time to play. Just packing our stuff, eating at burger king, and heading back to MN.
Photo are in
We flew to FCA airport on 5/15, and then drove around one hour to west entrance of Glacier NP. The first night we camped at Apagar, which was the only available full service campsite of the Park. Since going-to-the-sun road was not fully open, from the west side, we could get to Avalanche only. The first afternoon, we went to Trail of Cedars, which is the only one forest hasn't caught fire for 500 years.
The next morning, 5/16. We made a not smart decision to take Huckleberry trail, which is a 6 miles trial to a lookout tower and marked as difficult level. It was full of bugs and only two of us walked on the trail. We did not make it because did not feel well to climb high in the first day. Afterward, we went to Fish creek picnic area to finalize the day.
On 5/17, we headed to east side of the park by taking the road at the south of the Park. Running eagle falls is in Two Medicine. Later, we went to the farthest point from the east, which was before Logan Pass. In the afternoon, we took our first shower in KOA for $5 per person. That night, we camped at St Mary primitive campsite.
5/18, we went to Many Glacier, which the ranger told us "it's the Park". We did see many animals there on the loop trail and magnificent glaciers. Afterward, we went all the way back to west side in Apagar.
5/19, we took the Avalanche Lake trail, which is an easy 2.3 miles trail. In the afternoon, we spent time in west glacier town and did some shopping and eating.
5/20, our flight was around noon, so we did not have much time to play. Just packing our stuff, eating at burger king, and heading back to MN.
Photo are in
MBA Graduation
兩年的課程在今天告一段落 七點到St Paul把家長接到學校
今年的典禮研究生和大學部分開 所以少了許多發呆的時間
全部的流程也很簡單 集合之後 院長跟貴賓致詞 然後就是依照program一個個唱名上台領取替代的畢業證書 真正的畢業證書會在三四個月之後寄去家裡 然後典禮就結束了




照姓氏字母順序入場 舞台的設計如下 我們full time program安排在比較前面的位置

中間一個大大的校徽 兩旁是所有畢業生所屬國家的國旗掛在牆上


Guest Speaker, Steve Forbes. "It is not important who you know, but whom you know." as the closing comment.

The moment I received certificate from the Dean. This photo was taken by a photographer who standed by the Dean.

We have to pay extra to buy this photo, and I made a plaque for this.

出禮堂合影 (鏡頭兩側有形變 加大臉寬....)

本屆MBA畢業生捐贈總額 會當成獎學金發給下下一屆一位美國學生跟一位國際學生

Most pictures are here:
今年的典禮研究生和大學部分開 所以少了許多發呆的時間
全部的流程也很簡單 集合之後 院長跟貴賓致詞 然後就是依照program一個個唱名上台領取替代的畢業證書 真正的畢業證書會在三四個月之後寄去家裡 然後典禮就結束了
照姓氏字母順序入場 舞台的設計如下 我們full time program安排在比較前面的位置
中間一個大大的校徽 兩旁是所有畢業生所屬國家的國旗掛在牆上
Guest Speaker, Steve Forbes. "It is not important who you know, but whom you know." as the closing comment.

The moment I received certificate from the Dean. This photo was taken by a photographer who standed by the Dean.

We have to pay extra to buy this photo, and I made a plaque for this.
出禮堂合影 (鏡頭兩側有形變 加大臉寬....)
本屆MBA畢業生捐贈總額 會當成獎學金發給下下一屆一位美國學生跟一位國際學生
Most pictures are here:
One day before Graduation
訂了香港粥飯麵的外燴 BRAVO的蛋糕 順便慶祝母親節
兩年的MBA 教授的跟我們哈拉的時候說you should be proud of you really master something now....儘管臉上兩三條線出現
要很驕傲的說 Yes, I am a Carlson MBA now.
(Check might need to send few years later to school....ha.)
訂了香港粥飯麵的外燴 BRAVO的蛋糕 順便慶祝母親節
兩年的MBA 教授的跟我們哈拉的時候說you should be proud of you really master something now....儘管臉上兩三條線出現
要很驕傲的說 Yes, I am a Carlson MBA now.
(Check might need to send few years later to school....ha.)
2007 Graduation Gala
This Saturday is our Graduation Gala. Not every domestic student know what Gala stands for, but it's a party for graduates for sure. We saw classmates and their families show up, enjoy the moment with us. Two years MBA program, even though it's still not clear for me where to go, I feel I can accomplish more than before. It's not about job title, company name, compensation and benefits, and country. It's about confidence and passion. Winning at the beginning is sweet, but laughing at the final means more. Definition of win is different for everyone. Good luck and get what you need.
Link to Gala photo
Graduation ceremony is on Monday.
Link to Gala photo
Graduation ceremony is on Monday.
Class gift
2007 Prom
At the last minute, we finally decided to go to Prom, which is the last big event for graduates. One night before, follies was really good. I can't wait to see the CD and watch it again.
The following link is the latest photo album. Should be able to download yours.
The following link is the latest photo album. Should be able to download yours.
Carlson Venture Enterprise
CVE, one of the four enterprises of Carlson. I have spent 3 semesters working in corporation track, BBY team. After the first semester, enterprise maybe the only way for students to have chance interacting with other classmates. Under non disclosure agreement, I am not able to discuss much about our projects. However, it does give me hands-on experience about how corporation explores new business opportunities.

CVE lobby

CVE meeting room and library.

CVE clock
CVE lobby
CVE meeting room and library.
CVE clock
No more H1B
The news of no more H1b quota shocks the international graduate students who haven't got a job. It means that if someone desperates to stay in US, s/he has to find ways to extend the staying time in US either by postponing graduation date or finding another degree. Of course, the fastest way is to find a true love. I attach the whole newsletter for interested people.
USCIS Update, April 3, 2007
WASHINGTON – U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) announced today that it has received enough H-1B petitions to meet the congressionally mandated cap for fiscal year 2008 (FY 2008). USCIS will use a random selection process (described below) for all cap-subject filings received on April 2, 2007 and April 3, 2007. USCIS will reject and return along with filing fee(s) all petitions received on those days that are not randomly selected.
Cap Procedures: In keeping with USCIS regulations, USCIS will use the following process to handleH-1B petitions subject to the FY 2008 cap:
• USCIS has determined that as of April 2, 2007, it had received enough H-1B petitions to reach the FY 2008 H-1B cap and has set the “final receipt date” as April 2, 2007.
• In keeping with its regulations, USCIS will subject H-1B petitions received on the “final receipt date” and the following day to a computer-generated random selection process.
• USCIS will reject all cap-subject H-1B petitions for FY 2008 received on or after Wednesday, April 4, 2007.
• USCIS will reject and return along with the filing fee(s) all cap-subject H-1B petitions that are not randomly selected.
• Petitioners may re-submit petitions on April 1, 2008 when H-1B visas become available for FY 2009. This is the earliest date for which an employer may file a petition requesting FY 2009 H-1B employment with a start date of October 1, 2008.
As of late Monday afternoon (April 2), USCIS had received approximately 150,000 cap-subject H-1B petitions. USCIS must perform initial data entry for all filings received on April 2 and April 3 prior to conducting the random selection process. In light of the high volume of filings, USCIS will not be able to conduct the random selection for several weeks.
In order to fully utilize its data entry and initial processing capacity, USCIS may choose to distribute filings received at one service center to other service centers for data entry. In the event that USCIS exercises this option, petitioners may receive receipt notices or other correspondence from a service center other than the one to which the H-1B submission was sent. USCIS advises employers that there is no need for concern should that occur and that there is no need to contact USCIS.
Cap-Exempt Petitions: As directed by the H-1B Visa Reform Act of 2004, the first 20,000 H-1B petitions filed on behalf of aliens with U.S.-earned masters’ or higher degrees are exempt from any fiscal year cap on available H-1B visas. USCIS does not yet know how many of these petitions it has received as those petitions are mixed with the cap-subject cases received on April 2 and 3. USCIS will make a future announcement regarding the “final receipt date” for these petitions.
Current H-1B Workers: Petitions filed on behalf of current H-1B workers do not count towards the congressionally mandated H-1B cap. Accordingly, USCIS will continue to process petitions filed to:
• Extend the amount of time a current H-1B worker may remain in the United States.
• Change the terms of employment for current H-1B workers.
• Allow current H-1B workers to change employers.
• Allow current H-1B workers to work concurrently in a second H-1B position.
USCIS also notes that, in addition to the cap exemption for aliens with U.S. earned master’s degrees discussed above, certain H-1B petitions are exempt from the cap. Those petitions are not affected by this release.
H-1B in General: U.S. businesses utilize the H-1B program to employ foreign workers in specialty occupations that require theoretical or technical expertise in specialized fields, such as scientists, engineers, or computer programmers. As part of the H-1B program, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Department of Labor (DOL) require U.S. employers to meet specific labor conditions to ensure that American workers are not adversely impacted. The DOL’s Wage and Hour Division safeguards the treatment and compensation of H-1B workers.
USCIS Update, April 3, 2007
WASHINGTON – U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) announced today that it has received enough H-1B petitions to meet the congressionally mandated cap for fiscal year 2008 (FY 2008). USCIS will use a random selection process (described below) for all cap-subject filings received on April 2, 2007 and April 3, 2007. USCIS will reject and return along with filing fee(s) all petitions received on those days that are not randomly selected.
Cap Procedures: In keeping with USCIS regulations, USCIS will use the following process to handleH-1B petitions subject to the FY 2008 cap:
• USCIS has determined that as of April 2, 2007, it had received enough H-1B petitions to reach the FY 2008 H-1B cap and has set the “final receipt date” as April 2, 2007.
• In keeping with its regulations, USCIS will subject H-1B petitions received on the “final receipt date” and the following day to a computer-generated random selection process.
• USCIS will reject all cap-subject H-1B petitions for FY 2008 received on or after Wednesday, April 4, 2007.
• USCIS will reject and return along with the filing fee(s) all cap-subject H-1B petitions that are not randomly selected.
• Petitioners may re-submit petitions on April 1, 2008 when H-1B visas become available for FY 2009. This is the earliest date for which an employer may file a petition requesting FY 2009 H-1B employment with a start date of October 1, 2008.
As of late Monday afternoon (April 2), USCIS had received approximately 150,000 cap-subject H-1B petitions. USCIS must perform initial data entry for all filings received on April 2 and April 3 prior to conducting the random selection process. In light of the high volume of filings, USCIS will not be able to conduct the random selection for several weeks.
In order to fully utilize its data entry and initial processing capacity, USCIS may choose to distribute filings received at one service center to other service centers for data entry. In the event that USCIS exercises this option, petitioners may receive receipt notices or other correspondence from a service center other than the one to which the H-1B submission was sent. USCIS advises employers that there is no need for concern should that occur and that there is no need to contact USCIS.
Cap-Exempt Petitions: As directed by the H-1B Visa Reform Act of 2004, the first 20,000 H-1B petitions filed on behalf of aliens with U.S.-earned masters’ or higher degrees are exempt from any fiscal year cap on available H-1B visas. USCIS does not yet know how many of these petitions it has received as those petitions are mixed with the cap-subject cases received on April 2 and 3. USCIS will make a future announcement regarding the “final receipt date” for these petitions.
Current H-1B Workers: Petitions filed on behalf of current H-1B workers do not count towards the congressionally mandated H-1B cap. Accordingly, USCIS will continue to process petitions filed to:
• Extend the amount of time a current H-1B worker may remain in the United States.
• Change the terms of employment for current H-1B workers.
• Allow current H-1B workers to change employers.
• Allow current H-1B workers to work concurrently in a second H-1B position.
USCIS also notes that, in addition to the cap exemption for aliens with U.S. earned master’s degrees discussed above, certain H-1B petitions are exempt from the cap. Those petitions are not affected by this release.
H-1B in General: U.S. businesses utilize the H-1B program to employ foreign workers in specialty occupations that require theoretical or technical expertise in specialized fields, such as scientists, engineers, or computer programmers. As part of the H-1B program, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Department of Labor (DOL) require U.S. employers to meet specific labor conditions to ensure that American workers are not adversely impacted. The DOL’s Wage and Hour Division safeguards the treatment and compensation of H-1B workers.
Weekend trivia
I am looking forward practicing golf
I was hit by someone when playing basketball this Friday afternoon. My upper lips got extremely bigger than ordinary....
We went to a restaurant famous for its roast duck. It is located at the intersaction for Rice and Lapenter. Cash and check only.
This weekend we went to Ms Lin's apartment. She is a good chef and got married and found a job recently. Congrats.
I was hit by someone when playing basketball this Friday afternoon. My upper lips got extremely bigger than ordinary....
We went to a restaurant famous for its roast duck. It is located at the intersaction for Rice and Lapenter. Cash and check only.
This weekend we went to Ms Lin's apartment. She is a good chef and got married and found a job recently. Congrats.
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