
End of Case Competition

After three days suffering, we have done the whole core program today.
The case for this year is Guidant's Latitude product. We have to come out a product launching plan from a cross functional view.
The first half day, Wednesday Morning, we think that totally waste our time. We spent the morning to practice more presentation skill, but got the case at 1 pm. Then people from Guidant spent another hour to explain this case. Actually, we started to read the case from 3 pm. The first day, my team stayed until 12 pm. We did some researches, put our thoughts on slides to make us feel better, but be honestly, nothing productive.
Thursday, we started work at 8 am. Exchanging our thoughts on each parts, keep finding out the pricing and marketing strategies for this plan. At 7:30 pm, we need to present to a consultant for opinion, and send our slides by 11pm. We really don't want to win. Even though we had goal to pass 1st round.

Today, we discuss more talking points in the morning at 8 am. Practicing once before presenting to professors at 10:45am. I did poorly, especially I made mistakes, misordering my points when presenting my slides. Then we would know the results at 1:30 pm. The team who won would be called. My team won, but missed the call at 1:30. I will remember the appearance when Al came into the room with his thumb up. It was just hard to believe. We had to present our plan to Guidant management at 3:30 pm.

I felt nervous and excited to present before the whole class. It's kind of be recognized when everyone likes our presentation. Even we did not win the final round, I still feel good. My team is really great, and see how far we go from the very first presentation in marketing class.

So many people help me in this semester. People here are really nice, Diana and Lance drives us during these days. Let me forget how cold it is now outside. My winter break begins. Tonight I will definitely have a nice sleep and this experience is really good.

三天的case competition總算結束 從星期三開始到今天 全部二十個組 每五組取一名參加最後四強決賽 最後優勝的組每人可得五百元 一開始我們還設定目標要晉級 但是拿到case之後熱情就少了一半 case 的主題是一個無線產品 可以傳遞病人心律調整器的資訊到資料庫以供醫師遠距監控 我們有太多的資訊 但是目標似乎只要一個市場行銷的計畫 卻還要兼顧到本學期所有學科的應用 今天下午一點半 竟然是我們這組晉級 三點半要對Guidant的代表報告 我們組的報告內容是獲得最多掌聲與笑聲的 一度真的以為會拿到五百元 最後還是擦身而過 不過獲勝的組裡面也是有台灣學生 Tom 為國爭光 我們一樣有飯吃啦
儘管沒有獲勝 不過很多同學都來恭喜與稱讚我們的表現 這樣的感覺就已經夠了 這是一個難得的機會在公司代表與幾乎所有同學面前表現 從評審的角度來看 其實很難去判斷到底什麼是他們要的資訊 有可能我們想半天的方案人家早就否決 而準備的過程中又可能太執著於想要深入 卻礙於時間與資料的限制 反而浪費了應該包含的其他層面 獲勝的那組應該是勝在對於四個提出來的客戶群都有對應的產品計劃 所以廣度與完整性應該是這個比賽的第一要件 深度某方面來說應該是作不到的 我們在報告時的氣氛掌握上表現應該是最好 當然是因為我們有多一點時間準備 還有一些賭博式俏皮詞彙

每一組都很累 也似乎對自己的內容沒什麼信心 當然心裡也都會想能晉級或是獲勝 不過組內的磨合問題還是最後表現出來的品質的關鍵 能支持到最後的才有獲勝的可能 神來一筆的表現當然會大大加分 回想這三天 四個人待在小房間裡面對面超過二十四小時 如果你已經看你的組員不爽了 那真的是種煎熬 大家又如果對於case沒有什麼突破 更是雪上加霜 很高興我們可以是四強之一 也應該可以說是娛樂性最高的一組

Team B-9 start presenting.

Still big head.

My great team.

We have party in downtown to celebrate the end of our core. Wooooo.

Mark is our marketing professor. The man with no knees.

Lance, I-Tien's teammate and future MBAA president?.

Jeremy, I-Tien's teammate, and the most humorous Guy in class 2007

Angela. Beauty from Colombia.

Oh, I was drunk.

Dress up for the day. It's cold.

