
Grand Teton/Yellowstone Trip Day Eight

We changed our schedule because we could not make it from YS to Salt Lake City at the last day. Our flight was 4 pm, if we started off from YS in the morning, we had no chance to do that.

We went to the other side of the Grand Canyon of YS. The Artist Point.

An old ranger told us the story of the Grand Canyon. 可能因為年齡關係所以他沒有配槍。大概就講些簡單的生成歷史,還有真的有人從峽谷上掉下去。

Lower fall. 前天是從照片裡的右方欣賞,這次換到左邊。沿途還有很多步道可以走,像是有個湯姆叔叔步道幾乎是垂直的階梯往下走,由於時間因素,就有待下次探訪了。

Upper Fall. Several miles away from the lower fall. 上游的瀑布規模就小上不少。

Bison on the road again.

Traffic jam.

A nice looking strong bison.

We happened to see a bison died in the middle of a river. The reason for its death is unknown. Maybe it was attacked by other animals. The ranger decided to move it because it caused a huge traffic problem. 倒在河中間的野牛,死因不明。

Last photo at the YS entrance.

At GT entrance.

At the Bow bend overlook in the GT.

Entering Idaho.

Finally, we stayed in Idaho so that we can catch up our flight on time. 在停留的小鎮裡,還去鎮上唯一的牛排店嚐我們在美國的第一餐牛排。
