
Business Trip

每個月PCE都會到客戶的總部跟inventory team開PSI會議,美其名是檢討彼此的數據,確定產品未來的數量是否合理,主要的目的還是MBA整天講不停的Networking。每個星期也都跟客戶通電話確認銷售計畫與實際銷售數目,這個每月一次的面對面的會議,主要的目的是某天晚上把所有合作的對象帶出去吃個晚餐,聽起來蠻像是業務在做的事情,總之就是要取悅你的客戶啦,每個月讓她們有機會能選不同的餐廳,有這樣額外的關係,其實工作表現上跟其他的供應商差不多,在客戶的心裡還是會有不同的影響。PCE有十幾個合作的對象,Circuit City, Target還有Wal-Mart是三個主要的客戶就佔了八成的生意,暑假我主要協助的客戶是電路城(又是自翻), 星期三早上七點的飛機飛去Virginia,總共分為LCD, CRT, Portable DVD, Air Conditionor, Refrigrator.反正就是把所有的產品銷售數目以及庫存狀況走過一遍,在想辦法把客戶邀出來參加星期四晚上的飯局,就是大功告成了。



The benefit of long daytime is even after work, there are still several hours available to hang out. Therefore, we went to scuplture garden. On one hand, just to take a walk after dinner, on the other hand, to test my new camera.

夏天的明尼蘇達日照時間真的很長,每天都是晚上九點半太陽下山,早上很早就天亮了(因為還沒有在天亮前醒來的紀錄...還是沒辦法知道到底幾點天亮 哈) 每天五點下班 回到家 煮飯 吃完飯 頂多也才七點出頭 放著外頭大好陽光不出門 似乎說不過去 因此每天的這個時候 就是我們的飯後運動時間啦

所謂運動 我們大概都是沿著密西西比河岸散步 要不就是開車到遠一點的COMO PARK跑步 (話說跑步 嘿嘿 我一向不是個跑步愛好者 不過上上禮拜一起買了NIKE跑步鞋 嗯 當裝備齊全時 完全沒有藉口說不去...) 不過 最近我們又有新運動方式啦 因為買了新相機 就開始了我們飯後散步兼攝影之旅...像下面的照片 是在市區的雕塑公園照的 公園最有名的景點 就是櫻桃與湯匙(Cherry and Spoon)

Unknown blue flower.

Unknown bird. It fell on to the ground, and its mother stayed around it when we took pictures.

When my finger approached it, its mouth opened as if my finger is a worm. A fat one.

The famous work. Cherry and Spoon. or Spoon and cherry.

Last night, there was a firework show. I don't know which company sponsored that. The worst thing was even I took more than 2oo photo, only few of them are ok. So sad.

Minneapolis night.

Too long exposure. I think.



7 Taiwanese students arrived Minnesota this weekend. We had a welcome lunch, and this year they have one week before orientation to accommodate themselves. One more year for us and good luck for them. Enjoy!

On the weekend, I went to the lake Calhoon to test my new bought camera. I hope that before going to yellowstone, I can figure out how to get good pictures. Moreover, discovering how people spend their leisure time is quite interesting.

Lyndale Park.

Someone did waterpainting.

Sitting on the pier and enjoy the calmness.

Or just wear less, finding somewhere between flowers and enjoy the sunshine.

White roses.

There are so many beautiful corners in the Twin Cities. The benefit of long daytime is that even after work, we can still have several hours to hang out.

Regarding my new camera, it's Canon Rebel XT (aka 350D). Compared with my previous SONY F717, the color of Canon is less bright, but more close to what eyes see.


Duluth Airshow July 8


My first speed ticket....

Fine schedule...not fine at all

Duluth Airshow started at 11, before that many planes were demonstrated on the ground or hanger.

$17 adult ticket

C-130 H2, 7 years old.

F-18 A 超級大黃蜂

F-16 Falcon

M2 Bradley 裝甲運兵車

The first plane showed up was B-2 bomber.

B-2 隱形轟炸機


F-16 took off. 表演了一些爬升,迴轉等等動作。




F15 is ready to go.

F-15 Eagle 有著最快與最高的垂直爬升紀錄,當場有秀給我們看,聽到是說可以垂直往上飛12英哩。

Crowded. 人山人海,而且每個人都有一個摺疊椅,看起來真的是戶外活動必備的用品之一。


F-18 can fly as slow as 100 miles in the sky. That's what it looks like doing that trick. 這是正在以最慢速度飛行的樣子,機頭朝上,但是是水平往前移動,速度大約只有一百英里左右,對飛機來說真的是非常慢,很驚人的設計。

Legacy fly. F4U was the main carrier based fighter in WWII, but now F-18 took place. The music was touching.

Both can bend its wings, so that more fighters could store on the carrier.

fuel plane. KC-135


Thunderbird show as follows. It started at 3 pm. 其實兩點半左右,就沒有新的節目,一直在大太陽下等雷鳥小組的出場。

These are F-16 C

upside down passing.

4 way crossing, but I just got these two planes. 空中十字路口,四架飛機分別從四個方向交會於一點,照的太快了,所以沒能留下全貌。

I am happy that I can use SONY W1 to catch this moment. 兩架飛機head to head交錯的瞬間。

Diamond shape. 他們耍了一招是當鑽石編隊的飛機從左到右飛過觀眾,大家全神貫注的時候,另一架飛機低空快速的越過觀眾頭上,用引擎的聲響把所有人嚇了一跳。真的每個人都中招了。


Triangle shape.

The whole Thunderbird crew#8

第一次看飛行表演真的蠻值回票價,震耳欲聾的引擎聲,零距離的欣賞各式的軍機。另一個知名的表演團體是藍天使blue angel,等待下次的機會囉。

這真是一場無敵無敵長的飛行表演,原本還以為最多只有1.5個小時左右,結果竟然是5個小時(11:00am-4:00pm),艷陽高照,曬到快昏了,我們一行六個人(4女2男),女生都對軍機十分不熟悉,加上難抵大太陽的折磨,一兩點的時候就非常想繞跑,不過還好有KAMBRIC和DON死心塌地的等待最後的壓軸--雷鳥小組,說服我們留到最後,可以有機會一賭精采的Thounder Bird Show...(如果不精采 就可能要罵人了 :P)