

The benefit of long daytime is even after work, there are still several hours available to hang out. Therefore, we went to scuplture garden. On one hand, just to take a walk after dinner, on the other hand, to test my new camera.

夏天的明尼蘇達日照時間真的很長,每天都是晚上九點半太陽下山,早上很早就天亮了(因為還沒有在天亮前醒來的紀錄...還是沒辦法知道到底幾點天亮 哈) 每天五點下班 回到家 煮飯 吃完飯 頂多也才七點出頭 放著外頭大好陽光不出門 似乎說不過去 因此每天的這個時候 就是我們的飯後運動時間啦

所謂運動 我們大概都是沿著密西西比河岸散步 要不就是開車到遠一點的COMO PARK跑步 (話說跑步 嘿嘿 我一向不是個跑步愛好者 不過上上禮拜一起買了NIKE跑步鞋 嗯 當裝備齊全時 完全沒有藉口說不去...) 不過 最近我們又有新運動方式啦 因為買了新相機 就開始了我們飯後散步兼攝影之旅...像下面的照片 是在市區的雕塑公園照的 公園最有名的景點 就是櫻桃與湯匙(Cherry and Spoon)

Unknown blue flower.

Unknown bird. It fell on to the ground, and its mother stayed around it when we took pictures.

When my finger approached it, its mouth opened as if my finger is a worm. A fat one.

The famous work. Cherry and Spoon. or Spoon and cherry.

Last night, there was a firework show. I don't know which company sponsored that. The worst thing was even I took more than 2oo photo, only few of them are ok. So sad.

Minneapolis night.

Too long exposure. I think.
