Today, most time we spent on culture issues. We have Craig Storti to tell us some things interesting about culture differences between American way and other ways.
The purpose of this session is to let domestic students know more about students from other culture. And we had a fun game to let us experience this culture shock.
Every six people play card game in a table, and winner can go to another table to play a new game. However, we do not know that each table has different game rule, for example, Ace maybe the smallest card in some tables and trump card is also different.
So when the winner go to another different table, he would feel strange even angry that they played wrong. This is the same situation that when a person gets into a new environment where rules are different, he still believes what he taught and acts what he believed, but other people do not think he is right.
Some other interesting things about changes happened when you enter a new environment.
According to research, if you are from china and go to USA in the first time, when you listen 2 hr English, you will need four hr to recover. Your brain need to adjust to new environment. After all routines settled down, you can do other high level activities.
I think that's why I feel exhausted all day.
There are some facts for reference:
<20% Americans have a passport.
17% Americans say that their repairman tells the truth.
3% Americans say that their president tells the truth.
28 of 33 Winscousin's state senators voted in favor of a bill to permit the blind to hunt.
Today we do not spend a cent, because school take care of all meals.