
The end of international student orientation

Sometimes, I still feel no real that I am sitting in a classroom, listening to an American professor, and surrounded by friends from other countries.

The first two weeks end. We did two presentations and three paper writing works. Generally, Students with black hair and yellow skin are more conservative, less aggressive, and more passive. Compared with the performance at the beginning, our final adoptation looks good. Hope we can get along with our American classmates.

昨天報告結束之後,每一個人可以看自己上台時的錄影結果,video tapes dont lie.自己可以去感受一下要改進的地方。雖然練習的時候感覺都不錯,但是正式來的時候,聲音太小聲,音量沒出來,需要多一點眼神的接觸與臉部表情,還有練習說英語的語調。已經跟自己說了很多次這只是個短暫的練習,但緊張還是如影隨形。


