

There somethings can be recorded on my blog.

U-Card, student ID of University of Minnesota. Admin took this photo when card issued, so everyone looks not so great. It will take 15 to get a new one, but I think they still use this photo in database. Just like what NTU does now.

This card combined with bank account. But the efficiency of American Bank is bad, need two business day to reset my PIN number...I can't imagine this happened in this country.

My Checking Debit Card. Americans still use checks in this technology world. It's stupid and takes so many people's workload on processing those checks exchange. My housing rent only accept check or money order......

I wrote my first check yesterday. This is what a check looks like.

If you call 612-810-9003, this phone will ring.


No.641 Huron Blvd. SE Appt 4404, Minneapolis, MN55414
這是未來一年的地址。住的地方叫做University Commons,有點像是旅館式管理的宿舍,房租一個月715,包含水、瓦斯、垃圾收集、網路、有線電視。用電超過15元的話須付差價。房間是furnished,有床、桌子、椅子、櫃子,廚房有洗碗機、烤箱、微波爐、冰箱、電火爐。另外還有一個沙發等等。Furnished的好處就是上面的東西都不用再去操心,可怕的是還要花力氣去搬。現在只要把帶來的東西佈置好,另外買點必需品就可以開始煩惱上學的事情了。



1 則留言:

匿名 提到...

一個月715還包水電 電視網路.真是便宜阿.應該是2 bedroom吧. 某人在學校的宿舍 1 bedroom就要一千二...